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Wednesday 30th July 2014

This week (25th July – 3rd August) is Love Parks Week. So why not make a special effort to leave your desk and visit your nearest park during your lunch break?

The week is hosted by Keep Britain Tidy and their aim is to celebrate and showcase the green spaces we have and help to

promote healthy, happy communities. The annual awareness week began life in 2006, with the aim of encouraging people to visit and enjoy their local parks. To help achieve their aims they run a series of events which are all listed on their website and since it coincides with the beginning of the school summer holidays there is plenty of family-friendly fun for everyone to get involved with.

One feature Keep Britain Tidy are running year-round is a “Health Check Survey” of local parks. This is where any member of the public can go online to rate their local park, so KBT can get a clearer idea of which areas need more support to create the best green spaces.

Studies have shown that spending time in the park can reduce stress and clear your head for the afternoon ahead of you so why not take a break from your keyboard and enjoy your lunch elsewhere today?

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