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Wednesday 24th October 2018

7 million Halloween costumes ended up in the bin in 2016! That’s scary news. This month we are talking about the circular economy, so here are our five top tips to help you make sure your Halloween is green this year.


Host a Halloween swap-shop. We all have friends with a skeleton (costume) in their closet. So, swap them! (and make them your own with a spooky twist.)


#SewSpooky – a campaign to help you create your own costume. Get those knitting needles out and get creative!


Head to a charity shop – piece together an original, good quality costume and give to charity at the same time. Win, win, win. You, the charity, and the environment.


Get arty! Some good face painting can go a long way. YouTube has a tonne of spooky makeup tutorials. You can even buy Vegan face paints here.


Get crafty (and I don’t mean cunning) – there’s a world of opportunity inside your home, and an internet of ideas. Here’s a great list of costume ideas to inspire.


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