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Tuesday 24th May 2016

In England 14.9% of adults aged 16-65 lack functional literacy skills. This equates to 5.1 million people. The more children struggle with literacy, the less able they are to access and keep up with the school curriculum. This means they are at risk of falling further and further behind.  Springboard’s aim is to make a significant difference to the most vulnerable children, by providing high quality literacy teaching to those in need.

Through our partnership with Springboard, Secure Paper have been donating the value of 1 tutoring session for every 10 working PCs or laptops we receive. For the next two months we are offering to double our donations: 1 session for every 5!

Springboard provide provide tutoring sessions for children who struggle with their literacy skills

Help us help Springboard by simply recycling your old IT with us!

You can visit our web page to find out more about Springboard or if you'd like to speak with one of our IT Asset Disposal experts today, you can contact us by calling 020 7407 9100 or email

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